11/14/18 CareerServChat Questions

Join us for #CareerServChat on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 12:30pm ET/9:30am PT

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Welcome to #CareerServChat!

Welcome to #CareerServChat! Please share your name/pronouns, where you work or study, and where you see yourself in 5 years (just kidding)! Remember to finish each tweet with the #CareerServChat hashtag. Thanks for joining in!

We’d like to thank @PeakCareers and @aboutworkstuff for being guest hosts today! The chat lasts an hour. Each question is numbered (Q1, Q2 etc.). Begin each response with A1, A2 etc. The last 5 minutes are for networking & sharing links. Remember the hashtag! #CareerServChat

Q1. We know how important networking is to secure the interview and in preparing for the interview. What do you do to help students see the importance of networking? #CareerServChat

Q2. One of the biggest mistakes students and clients make in the interview process is not doing enough research on the company. What are your favorite resources you recommend? #CareerServChat

Q3. Knowing the interviewer and the interview format ahead of time is important. If your student/client does not know the format (1 on 1 vs. small group) or the individual person they are interviewing with, what advice do you give them? #CareerServChat

Q4. Using technology in the interview process is a growing trend. (Phone, Skype, interviews that have questions that interviewees answer on the computer and record the answers, etc.…) How often are you hearing about the use of technology in the interview process? #CareerServChat

Stretch break! Grab some tea, run a lap around the office, or just take time to follow the other participants! #CareerServChat

Q5. During interviews, it’s important for the job seeker to paint a clear picture of how they can help the company. Sometimes job seekers focus only on how a job would impact them.  How can we as career services professionals help them shift their perspective? #CareerServChat

Q6. What are the more challenging interview questions you’ve heard about in the last year? Bonus points if you share advice for answering them, as well! #CareerServChat

Q7. Are there any specific tools or resources you’ve heard of relevant to interviews that you’d like to share with this community of career services professionals? Keep sharing throughout the next few weeks, with the hashtag #CareerServChat

Q8. Who are the most thoughtful voices in talent acquisition and career development that we should be listening to and learning from? Who is leading the way? Again, share in the weeks ahead with the hashtag #CareerServChat!

Circle time! Share blog posts, research, & resources related to this topic. Enjoyed someone's insights? Follow ’em here and connect with ’em on LinkedIn. Special thanks to our hosts @PeakCareers and @aboutworkstuff! Keep the conversation going with the hashtag #CareerServChat.

Thanks for joining us! We’ll be back here on the second Wednesday of December 12/12 at 12:30 pm ET/9:30 am PT. Topic: How the Gig Economy affects Career Services. Follow the Twitter handle @CareerServChat to get reminders, and please share!